Jerin ƙasashe ta hanyar fitar da iskar gas

Wannan jerin ƙasashe ne ta jimillar iskar gas (GHG) da ake fitarwa kowace shekara; acikin 2016. Ya dogara ne akan bayanai don carbon dioxide, methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N20), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) da kuma hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) da aka tattara ta Cibiyar Albarkatun Duniya (WRI). Teburin da ke ƙasa daban yana ba da bayanan fitar da hayaki da aka ƙididdige su bisa tushen samarwa, bi da bi da amfani da kayayyaki da ayyuka a kowace ƙasa. Bayanan WRI sun haɗa da hayaƙi daga amfani da ƙasa, canjin amfanin ƙasa da gandun daji, bayanan aikin Carbon na Duniya bayayi. Naúrar da aka yi amfani da ita ita ce megatons na carbon dioxide daidai (MtCO2e) ta amfani da sararin sama na shekaru 100,[1] kamar UNFCCC. Duk kasashen da ke cikin yarjejeniyar Paris suna ba da rahoton abubuwan da suka samar da iskar gas a kalla a kowace shekara daga 2024.

Jerin ƙasashe ta hanyar samarwa da hayaƙin da ake amfani da su gyara sashe

State Production-based emissions

(MtCO2e) 2018 (CAIT)
Production-based emissions INCLUDING land-use, land-use change and forestry (reported to UNFCCC)

MtCO2e 2018
Production-based emissions excluding land-use, land-use change and forestry(World Resources Institute)

MtCO2e 2016
Consumption-based emissions

(Global Carbon Project)

MtCO2e 2016
World 48,928
  China (see: Greenhouse gas emissions by China) 11,706 12700 8801
Template:USA (see: Greenhouse gas emissions by the United States) 5,794 5903 6570 5716
  India (see: Greenhouse gas emissions by India) 3,347 2870 2217
[[File:|23px|link=]] internationality (en)   (EU28, including the United Kingdom) 3,333 3951 4166
Template:RUS (see: Greenhouse gas emissions by Russia) 1,992 1630 2670 1381
Template:IDN 1,704 506
  Brazil 1,421 1050 524
Template:JPN 1,155 1231 1310 1411
Template:IRN 828 876 572
  Jamus 777 831 918 887
Template:CAN (see: Greenhouse gas emissions by Canada) 763 716 575
  Mexico 695 718 528
Template:COD 682
Template:KOR 673 732 634
Template:SAU 638 623
Template:AUS (see: Greenhouse gas emissions by Australia) 619 537 378
Template:ZAF 497 337
  Turkiyya (see: Greenhouse gas emissions by Turkey) 474 426 450
Template:GBR (see: Greenhouse gas emissions by the United Kingdom) 441 456 557
Template:PAK 438
Template:THA 431
  Argentina 395
Template:MYS 388
  Italia 387 391 458
Template:VNM 364
Template:FRA 361 427 447
  Nijeriya 357
Template:POL 357 376
Template:EGY 329
  Ispaniya 313 296
Template:VEN 277
Template:KAZ 271 401
Template:COL 268
Template:ARE 263
Template:UKR 262 342
Template:PHL 234
Template:UZB 232
Template:MMR 232
Template:BGD 221
Template:DZA 219
Template:IRQ 216
Template:ETH 205
Template:PER 186
Template:NLD 180 193
Template:TZA 176
Template:SUD 131
Template:BOL 126
Template:TKM 125
Template:AGO 125
Template:CMR 123
Template:ZIM 119
Template:CZE 117 133
Template:KWT 113
Template:MOZ 110
Template:BEL 109 17
Template:TCD 105
Template:LBY 103
  Qatar 100
Template:AFG 99
Template:PRY 95
Template:ZMB 93
Template:MAR 92
Template:ECU 92
Template:ISR 88
Template:CAF 87
Template:GRC 86 89
Template:ROU 86 92
Template:OMN 82
Template:AZE 78
Template:KEN 71
Template:NZL 71 55
Template:UGA 71
Template:KHM 69
Template:SSD 68
Template:AUT 68 74
Template:PRT 67 61
Template:BLR 67 69
Template:SGP 67
Template:PNG 64
Template:HUN 63 59
Template:SRB 62
Template:IRL 62 65
Template:FIN 61 46
Template:BWA 58
Template:MNG 56
Template:BFA 55
Template:NPL 55
Template:CHL 52
Template:CIV 49
Template:BHR 49
Template:DNK 47 56
Template:SLB 46
Template:SYR 46
Template:NER 46
Template:PRK 45
Template:SOM 44
Template:CHE 44 45
Template:MLI 44
Template:MDG 41
Template:GIN 41
Template:SVK 39 38
Template:CUB 39
Template:GTM 39
Template:NIC 39
Template:LAO 39
Template:DOM 38
Template:TUN 37
Template:LKA 37
Template:JOR 36
Template:URY 34
Template:SEN 34
Template:LBN 34
Template:SWE 30 10
Template:NOR 28 28
Template:HND 28
Template:BEN 28
Template:MWI 27
Template:BIH 25
Template:GNQ 23
Template:TTO 23
Template:LBR 23
Template:NAM 22
Template:PAN 22
Template:YEM 22
Template:EST 21 18
Template:COG 20
Template:GHA 20
Template:BGR 19 49
Template:GUY 19
Template:LTU 18 16
Template:HRV 18 19
Template:SVN 18 18
Template:BRN 17
Template:GEO 17
Template:TJK 15
Template:KGZ 15
Template:GAB 14
Template:SLV 13
Template:MDA 13
Template:SUR 13
Template:MRT 13
  Saliyo 11
Template:HTI 11
Template:MKD 11
Template:JAM 10
Template:LUX 10 10
Template:ALB 10
Template:ARM 10
Template:TGO 9
Template:BDI 9
Template:LVA 9 13
Template:CRI 9
Template:CYP 8 8
Template:ERI 8
Template:RWA 8
Template:BLZ 7
Template:MUS 7
Template:TLS 6
Template:LSO 6
Template:GNB 4
Template:MNE 4
Template:BRB 4
Template:ISL 3 14
Template:GMB 3
Template:SWZ 3
Template:BHS 3
Template:MDV 2
Template:GRD 2
Template:MLT 2 2
Template:DJI 1
Template:ATG 1
Template:BTN 1
Template:VUT 1
Template:WSM 1
Template:SYC 1
Template:CPV 1
Template:COM 1
Template:LCA 1
Template:AND 1
Template:STP 0.41
Template:VCT 0.37
Template:KNA 0.37
Template:TON 0.35
Template:PLW 0.32
Template:FJI 0.28
Template:FSM 0.24
Template:MHL 0.24
Template:DMA 0.23
Template:LIE 0.18
Template:KIR 0.11
Template:COK 0.10
Template:NRU 0.08
Template:TUV 0.03
Template:NIU 0.01

Duba kuma gyara sashe

  • Jerin ƙasashe ta hanyar iskar carbon dioxide
  • Jerin ƙasashe ta hanyar iskar carbon dioxide ga kowane mutum
  • Jerin ƙasashe ta hanyar fitar da iskar gas ga kowane mutum
  • Jerin ƙasashe ta hanyar samar da wutar lantarki mai sabuntawa
  • Gajimaren launin ruwan Asiya
  • Canjin yanayi
  • Amfani da ƙasa, canjin amfanin ƙasa, da gandun daji

Manazarta gyara sashe