Mr. Sufie
Barka da zuwa!
Barka da zuwa Hausa Wikipedia, Mr. Sufie! Mun ji daɗin gudummuwarku. Kuma ina fatan zaku tsaya ku ci gaba da bada gudummuwa. Anan ƙasa ga wasu shafuka da zasu taimaka wajen fahimtar Hausa Wikipedia da yadda ake gyara ta:
- Gabatarwa
- Tutorial
- Cheatsheet
- Yadda ake rubuta muƙala
- Manufofin Hausa Wikipedia
- Shawarwari goma akan gyaran Wikipedia
Zaku iya yin sayinin rubutunku idan kuna akan shafukan tattaunawa ta hanyar alamar tilde guda huɗu, kamar haka (~~~~); yin hakan, zaisa sunanku da cikkaken kwanan wata. In kana buƙatar wani taimako, ku duba Wikipedia:Tutorial, ko kuma ka tambayeni a . Na gode.~~~~ - Abubakar A Gwanki (talk) 13:12, 20 ga Yuni, 2021 (UTC)
I copied a the writing with the group permission.
- Ok, that's noted. But this permission needs to be confirmed in writing . Do you have the email address for the person who owns the copyright? Thanks a lot, –DonCamillo (talk) 08:30, 2 ga Augusta, 2021 (UTC)
- (NB : you can use this email template from :
- I wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your <WEBSITE TITLE> at <WEBSITE URL>, which I found while researching for the free online encyclopedia "Wikipedia"; I thought that your information on the subject might be worthy of inclusion in our living and growing document.
- Wikipedia ( is an encyclopedia that is collaboratively edited by volunteers from around the world. Our goal is to create a comprehensive knowledge base that is not only available at no charge, but is also freely distributed. It is one of many projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation.
- I am seeking your permission to use your text either directly, or as a reference for my original writing on the subject. I'd like to include your materials in this article:<RELEVANT_WIKIPEDIA_PAGE>. (To get a sense of the freedom of Wikipedia, you yourself can edit this page without registration, right now.)
- We can only use your material if you are willing to grant permission for it to be used under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License. This means that although you retain the copyright and authorship of your own work, you are granting permission for all others (not just Wikipedia) to use, copy, and share your materials freely—and even potentially use them commercially—as long as they do not try to claim the copyright themselves, or try to prevent others from using or copying them freely. You can read this license in full at:
- Please note that your contributions may not remain intact as submitted; this license, and the collaborative nature of our project, also entitles others to edit, alter, and update them at will, i.e., to keep up with new information, or suit the text to a different purpose. However, the license also expressly protects authors "from being considered responsible for modifications made by others" while ensuring that those authors get credit for their work. There is more information on our copyright policy at:
- We choose the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported license because it is the best available tool for ensuring that our encyclopedia is and can remain free for all to use, and for providing credit to everyone who donates text and images. It may or may not be compatible with your goals in creating the materials available on your website — that is your choice. Please be assured that if you do not grant permission, your <copyrighted?/original?> materials will not be used at Wikipedia; we have a very strict policy against copyright violations.
- If you do agree to grant permission, we will credit you for your work in the resulting article's references section, by stating it was based on your work and is used with your permission, and by providing a link back to your website.
- Thank you for your time; we look forward to your reply.
- Kindly,
- Hello,
- Just to check if you had time to read the message below and get the permission from the copyright holder.
- Otherwise all the articles that are using content from this website will have to be deleted.
- Thanks a lot/Nagode sosai, –DonCamillo (talk) 07:30, 5 ga Augusta, 2021 (UTC)
Barka da ƙoƙari!
gyara sasheIna mai matuƙar jin daɗin gudunmawar da kake bayarwa wurin ganin an samar da cikakkiyar insakulofidiya wacce kowa zai iya gyarawa.
Sai dai wani hanzari da ba guda ba, shine, yawancin mutanen da kake rubutu akan su, basu cika ƙa'idar Shaharantaka ba, wanda duk wani mutum da za'a sanya shi a Wikipedia dole ya zama ya shahara kuma yayi sunan da ya cancanci shiga manhajar. Sannan Wikipedia bata yarda a riƙa ɗauko bayanai daga wasu shafukan yanar gizo dan ayi amfani da su a Wikipedia ba! Ka tabbata duk bayanan ka kaine ka rubuta su, bawai ɗaukowa kayi daga wani shafi ba, sannan ka sanya Manazarta domin tabbatar da zancen saboda tuhumci ko shakku. Nagode dafatan ka fahimta. Em-mustapha talk 11:40, 8 Nuwamba, 2021 (UTC)
Barka da ƙoƙari, ina ƙara maka tuni da cewa yawancin shafukan da kake ƙirƙira suna da matsaloli sosai! Kayi ƙoƙari ka gyara su domin su cigaba da kasancewa a Wikipedia ko za'a iya goge su! Ga tambaya a gare ka; shin ko shafukan Hausa Wikipedia suna da inganci ko basu da shi? Ina saurare amsar ka.
Sannan yakamata ne ka riƙa ƙirƙirar maƙala ɗaya ƙoƙƙwara ba da yawa marasa inganci ba, wanda hakan yakan kori masu karatu daga zuwa Hausa wikipedia dan yin nazari! Em-mustapha talk 06:44, 9 Nuwamba, 2021 (UTC)
gyara sasheAssalamu alaikum ɗan'uwa mai albarka ina fatan kana lafiya ya ibadah Ubangiji Allah ya karɓa mana ayyukan Ibadan mu baki ɗaya. A ina so in ɗanyi maka wani tuni dan Allah dan gane da maƙalolin da kake ƙirƙira tabbas rubutu yana kyau sosai! To amma matsala baka sanya Manazarta sannan baka sanya masu sashe-sashe da dai sauran gyare-gyare. Ina fatan idan har kanada buƙatar totoriyal yadda zakayi editing da kuma ƙirƙirar sabon shafi sai ka duba talk page ɗinka za kaga online totoriyal in kuma baka gane ba, ina bada shawara ka nema wani edita wanda yake da ƙwarewa sai ya nuna maka yadda zaka ƙirƙira maƙala da sanya mata Manazarta ingantattu. Na gode Allah ya datar damu duniya da lahira S Ahmad Fulani 03:55, 3 ga Afirilu, 2022 (UTC)