Botswana kasa ce da ba ta da kasa a Kudancin Afirka. Kasa mai matsakaicin girman mutane sama da miliyan 2, Botswana tana daya daga cikin kasashen da ba su da yawa a duniya. Kusan kashi 10 cikin 100 na yawan jama'a suna zaune ne a babban birni kuma mafi girma, Gaborone. Tsohuwar ɗaya daga cikin ƙasashe mafi talauci a duniya-wanda ke da GDP na kowane mutum kusan dalar Amurka 70 a kowace shekara a ƙarshen shekarun 1960—Botswana tun daga nan ta rikiɗe zuwa ɗaya daga cikin ƙasashe masu saurin bunƙasa tattalin arziki a duniya. Tattalin arzikin ya mamaye ma'adinai, shanu, da yawon shakatawa. Botswana tana alfahari da GDP (daidaitan ikon siyan) kowane mutum kusan $18,825 a kowace shekara As of 2015, wanda yana ɗaya daga cikin mafi girma a Afirka.[1] Babban yawan kuɗin shiga na ƙasa (ta wasu ƙididdiga na huɗu mafi girma a Afirka) yana ba ƙasar matsakaicin matsayin rayuwa da mafi girman ƙimar ci gaban ɗan adam na Nahiyar Afirka kudu da hamadar Sahara. [2]

Jerin kamfanonin Botswana
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Jerin kamfanonin Botswana
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Wurin Botswana

Fitattun kamfanoni

gyara sashe

Wannan jeri ya haɗa da fitattun kamfanoni masu babban hedikwata dake cikin ƙasar. Masana'antu da sashin suna bin tsarin Taxonomy na Rarraba Masana'antu. Ƙungiyoyin da suka daina aiki an haɗa su kuma an lura da su a matsayin sun lalace.

Sanannun kamfanoni
     Active      State-owned      Defunct
Suna Masana'antu Bangare Hedikwatar An kafa Bayanan kula
Air Botswana Consumer services Airlines Gaborone 1972 State airline
BancABC Financials Banks Gaborone 1997 Financial services
Bank of Botswana Financials Banks Gaborone 1975 Central bank
Botswana Meat Commission Consumer goods Food products Lobatse 1965 Meat
Botswana Power Corporation Utilities Conventional electricity Gaborone 1970
Botswana Railways Industrials Railroads Gaborone 1987 Railway
Botswana Stock Exchange Financials Investment services Gaborone 1995 Exchange
Botswana Telecommunications Corporation Telecommunications Fixed line telecommunications Gaborone 1980 Telco
Botswana TV Consumer services Broadcasting & entertainment Gaborone 1997 Television
Choppies Consumer services Broadline retailers Gaborone 1986 Retail and grocery
Debswana Basic materials Diamonds & gemstones Gaborone 1969 Diamonds and coal
Letshego Financials Specialty finance Gaborone 1998 Financial services, microfinance
Mack Air Consumer services Airlines Maun 1994 Charter airline
Mascom Telecommunications Mobile telecommunications Gaborone 1998 Mobile network
Mmegi Consumer services Publishing Gaborone 1984 Newspaper
Motor Company of Botswana Consumer goods Automobiles Gaborone 1992 Automotive, defunct 2001
The Botswana Gazette Consumer services Publishing Gaborone 1984 Newspaper
The Voice Consumer services Publishing Francistown 1993 Newspaper
Water Utilities Corporation Utilities Water Francistown 1970 Water
Wilderness Air Consumer services Airlines Maun 1991 Charter airline
Notable companies

     Active      State-owned      Defunct
Name Industry Sector Headquarters Founded Notes
Air Botswana Consumer services Airlines Gaborone 1972 State airline
BancABC Financials Banks Gaborone 1997 Financial services
Bank of Botswana Financials Banks Gaborone 1975 Central bank
Botswana Meat Commission Consumer goods Food products Lobatse 1965 Meat
Botswana Power Corporation Utilities Conventional electricity Gaborone 1970
Botswana Railways Industrials Railroads Gaborone 1987 Railway
Botswana Stock Exchange Financials Investment services Gaborone 1995 Exchange
Botswana Telecommunications Corporation Telecommunications Fixed line telecommunications Gaborone 1980 Telco
Botswana TV Consumer services Broadcasting & entertainment Gaborone 1997 Television
Choppies Consumer services Broadline retailers Gaborone 1986 Retail and grocery
Debswana Basic materials Diamonds & gemstones Gaborone 1969 Diamonds and coal
Letshego Financials Specialty finance Gaborone 1998 Financial services, microfinance
Mack Air Consumer services Airlines Maun 1994 Charter airline
Mascom Telecommunications Mobile telecommunications Gaborone 1998 Mobile network
Mmegi Consumer services Publishing Gaborone 1984 Newspaper
Motor Company of Botswana Consumer goods Automobiles Gaborone 1992 Automotive, defunct 2001
The Botswana Gazette Consumer services Publishing Gaborone 1984 Newspaper
The Voice Consumer services Publishing Francistown 1993 Newspaper
Water Utilities Corporation Utilities Water Francistown 1970 Water
Wilderness Air Consumer services Airlines Maun 1991 Charter airline

Duba kuma

gyara sashe
  • Tattalin arzikin Botswana
  • Jerin kamfanoni a Gaborone
  • Jerin batutuwan da suka shafi Botswana


gyara sashe
  1. "Botswana" . The World Factbook . Central Intelligence Agency. 2014. Retrieved 16 April 2014.
  2. Gross national income (GNI) – Nations Online Project. Retrieved on 27 October 2016.