Jerin gajerun hanyoyin da suka shafi sauyin yanayi
Wannan jerin taƙaitattu ne da ke da alaƙa da sanadin canjin yanayi, daidaitawa da ragewa.
- ADP - Ƙungiyar Ayyuka ta Ad Hoc akan Dandalin Durban don Ƙarfafa Ayyuka
- AGN - Rukunin Masu Tattaunawa na Afirka Archived 2023-06-11 at the Wayback Machine
- APA - Ƙungiyar Ayyuka ta Ad Hoc akan Yarjejeniyar Paris [1]
- APP - Haɗin kai na Asiya-Pacific akan Ci gaban Tsabta da Yanayi
- AR4 - Rahoton Kima na Hudu na IPCC (2007)
- AR5 - Rahoton Kima na Biyar na IPCC (2014)
- AR5 SYR - Rahoton Haɗin Kan AR5[2]
- AR6 - Rahoton Kima na Shida na IPCC (an buga shi a ranar 9 ga Agusta 2021)
- AWG-KP - Ƙungiya mai aiki na Ad Hoc akan ƙarin ƙaddamarwa don Ƙungiyoyin Annex I a ƙarƙashin Yarjejeniyar Kyoto
- AWG-LCA - Ƙungiyar Aiki na Ad Hoc akan Ayyukan Haɗin kai na Dogon lokaci
- AYCC - Ƙungiyar Matasan Yanayi na Australiya
- BAP - Shirin Ayyukan Bali
gyara sashe- C&C - Contraction & Convergence, a global CO<sub id="mwKw">2</sub> emissions management model promoted by the Global Commons Institute
- CAIT - The World Resources Institute's Climate Data Explorer archive
- CAPP - Climate Action Pacific Partnership
- CAPP II - Climate Action Pacific Partnership (CAPP) Conference II – 2018
- CAPP III - Third meeting of the Climate Action Pacific Partnership Conference (29-30 April 2019)
- CCA - Climate Change Agreement (UK)
- CCAFS - Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Research Program
- CCAF - Climate Change Action Fund (Australia)
- CCC - Committee on Climate Change (UK)
- CCCEP - Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy
- CCCR - Canada's Changing Climate Report
- CCCS - Centre for Climate Change Studies, University of Dar es Salaam
- CCF - The Scottish Government's Climate Challenge Fund Archived 2020-11-30 at the Wayback Machine
- CCIA - Climate Change in Australia Archived 2021-03-03 at the Wayback Machine
- CC:iNet - Climate Change Information Network
- CCL - Climate Change Levy (UK)
- CCl2F2 - Dichlorodifluoromethane (greenhouse gas)
- CCLS - Cambridge Climate Lecture Series
- CCRA - Climate Change Risk Assessment [lower-alpha 1]
- CCS - Carbon Capture and Storage
- CCUS - Carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration
- CDM - Clean Development Mechanism
- CDP - Organisation formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project
- CDR - Carbon dioxide removal
- CER - Certified Emission Reduction
- CFC - Chlorofluorocarbon
- CFRF - Climate Financial Risk Forum (UK)
- CF4 - Carbon tetrafluoride or tetrafluoromethane (greenhouse gas)
- CGE - Consultative Group of Experts
- CHClF2 - Chlorodifluoromethane (greenhouse gas)
- CH4 - Methane
- CINC - Interdepartmental Committee of Climate Negotiators
- CLP - Carbon Literacy Project
- CMA - Meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement
- CMA1 - First meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (7-18 November 2016)
- CMA1.2 - The second part of the first session of the Conference of the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (6-17 November 2017)
- CMA1.3 - The third part of the first session of the Conference of the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (2-14 December 2018)
- CMA2 - Second meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (2–13 December 2019)
- CMA3 - Third meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (postponed to 1–12 December 2021)
- CMA1 - First meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (7-18 November 2016)
- CMIP - Coupled Model Intercomparison Project
- CMIP5 - Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 5
- CMP - Conference of the Parties Serving as the Meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
- CMP9 - 9th meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (11-23 November 2013)
- CMP10 - 10th meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (1-12 December 2014)
- CMP11 - 11th meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (30 November-12 December 2015)
- CMP12 - 12th meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (7-18 November 2016)
- CMP13 - 13th meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (6-17 November 2017)
- CMP14 - 14th meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (2-15 December 2018)
- CMP15 - 15th meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (2–13 December 2019)
- CMP16 - 16th meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (postponed to 1–12 December 2021)
- CNZ - Carbon Net Zero
- CO2 - Carbon dioxide
- CO2-e - Carbon dioxide equivalent, also CO2-eq
- CoM - Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (Europe)
- COP - Conference of the Parties [to the UNFCCC]
- COP1 - First UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (28 March to 7 April 1995)
- COP2 - Second UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (8-18 July 1996)
- COP3 - Third UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (1-10 December 1997)
- COP4 - Fourth UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (2-14 November 1998)
- COP5 - Fifth UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (25 October to 5 November 1999)
- COP6 - Sixth UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (13–25 November 2000)
- COP6-bis - Resumed Session of COP6 (16-27 July 2001)
- COP7 - Seventh UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (29 October - 10 November 2001)
- COP8 - Eighth UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (23 October - 1 November 2002)
- COP9 - Ninth UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (1-12 December 2003)
- COP10 - Tenth UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (6-14 December 2004)
- COP11 - Eleventh UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (28 November - 9 December 2005)
- COP12 - Twelfth UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (6-17 November 2006)
- COP13 - 13th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (3-15 December 2007)
- COP14 - 14th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (1-12 December 2008)
- COP15 - 15th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (7-18 December 2009)
- COP16 - 16th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (29 November - 10 December 2010)
- COP17 - 17th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (28 November - 11 December 2011)
- COP18 - 18th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (26 November - 6 December 2012)
- COP19 - 19th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (11-23 November 2013)
- COP20 - 20th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (1-12 December 2014)
- COP21 - 21st UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (30 November-12 December 2015)
- COP22 - 22nd UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (7-18 November 2016)
- COP23 - 23rd UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (6-17 November 2017)
- COP24 - 24th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (2-15 December 2018)
- COP25 - 25th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (2-13 December 2019)
- COP26 - 26th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (1-12 November 2021)
- COP27 - 27th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (6-18 November 2022)
- COP28 - 28th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties, scheduled for November 2023 in the United Arab Emirates [4]
- COP29 - 29th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties, 2024, proposed venue is Australia [5]
- COP30 - anticipated 2025 UNFCCC Conference of the Parties,[6] to take place in Belém, Brazil.[7]
- CORSIA - Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation
- CPA - Carbon Pricing Act (Singapore)
- CPRS - Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Australia)
- CRC - CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme, formerly Carbon Reduction Commitment (UK)
- CREWS - Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems [8]
- CRU - Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia
- CRU TS - Climatic Research Unit Time Series datasets [9]
- CSA - Climate-Smart Agriculture Archived 2023-07-22 at the Wayback Machine
- CVF - Climate Vulnerable Forum
- DECC - Sashen Makamashi da Canjin Yanayi (Birtaniya), yanzu Sashen Kasuwanci, Makamashi da Dabarun Masana'antu
- ECI - Cibiyar Canjin Muhalli a Jami'ar Oxford
- ETC - Majalisar Canjin Makamashi [6]
- ETS - Tsarin Kasuwancin Fitarwa
- ETSWAP - Tsarin Kasuwancin Kasuwancin Kayan Aiki Aiki Aiki wanda Hukumar Kula da Muhalli ta Burtaniya ke gudanarwa.
- FAR - Rahoton Ƙimar Farko na IPCC (1990)
- F-gas - Fluorinated gas
- FICER - Asusun don Ƙirƙirar Yanayi da Binciken Makamashi
- FOLU - gandun daji da sauran amfanin ƙasa
- FFF - Juma'a don Gaba
- GCF - Asusun Yanayi na Green
- GCoM - Yarjejeniyar Duniya na Magajin Gari don Yanayi da Makamashi [10]
- GHG - Gas na Gas
- GtC - Gigaton na carbon
- GWP - yuwuwar dumamar yanayi
- HadCM3 - Samfurin Haɗaɗɗen Cibiyar Hadley, sigar 3
- HadGEM - Samfurin Muhalli na Duniya na Cibiyar Hadley
- HadGEM1 -
- HCFC - Hydrochlorofluorocarbon
- HFC - Hydrofluorocarbon
- ICLEI - Majalisar Duniya don Ƙaddamar da Muhalli na gida
- IKI - Ƙaddamar yanayi na Ƙasashen Duniya ( German </link> ), [11] wani shiri na Gwamnatin Tarayyar Jamus [12]
- IPCC - Kwamitin Tsakanin gwamnatoci kan Canjin Yanayi
- IPCC-50 - Taron IPCC na 50 (2019)
- IPCC-NGGIP - Shirye-shiryen Kayayyakin Kayayyakin Gas Gas na IPCC
- TS EN ISO 1406x Series - Matsayin ISO don rage canjin yanayi
- TS EN ISO 14090: 2019 Matsayin TS ISO don daidaitawa ga canjin yanayi - Ka'idoji, buƙatu da jagororin
- TS EN ISO 14091 Daidaitawa ga canjin yanayi - Sharuɗɗa game da rauni, tasiri da ƙimar haɗari
- TS EN ISO 14092 Daidaitawa ga canjin yanayi - Bukatu da jagora kan shirye-shiryen daidaitawa ga ƙananan hukumomi da al'ummomi
- JI - Yin Haɗin gwiwa
- KLD - Ma'aikatar Yanayi da Muhalli ( Klima- og miljødepartementet ), Norway [13]
- LCDI - Ƙananan Ci gaban Carbon Indonesiya [14]
- LDCF - Asusun Ƙasashe Mafi Ƙarfafa [15]
- LECBP - Shirye-shiryen Gina Ƙarfin Ƙarfin Ƙarfafawa [16]
- LEDS - Dabarun Ci Gaban Ƙarƙashin Ƙarfafawa
- LSCE - Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l'environnement, Gif-sur-Yvette, Faransa
- LULUCF - Amfani da ƙasa, canjin amfanin ƙasa, da gandun daji
- MCC - Cibiyar Nazarin Mercator akan Kasuwancin Duniya da Canjin Yanayi, Berlin
- MPGCA - Haɗin gwiwar Marrakech don Ayyukan Yanayi na Duniya
- MoCC - Ma'aikatar Sauyin Yanayi (Pakistan)
- MoEFCC - Ma'aikatar Muhalli, Daji da Sauyin yanayi (Indiya)
- MOP1 - Taro na farko na Ƙungiyoyin Yarjejeniyar Kyoto (28 Nuwamba - 9 Disamba 2005)
- MOP2 - Taro na 2 na Ƙungiyoyin Yarjejeniyar Kyoto (6-17 Nuwamba 2006)
- MOP3 - Taro na 3 na Ƙungiyoyin Yarjejeniyar Kyoto (3-15 Disamba 2007)
- MOP4 - Taro na 4 na Ƙungiyoyin Yarjejeniyar Kyoto (1-12 Disamba 2008)
- MOP5 - Taro na 5 na Ƙungiyoyin Yarjejeniyar Kyoto (7-18 Disamba 2009)
- MWE/CCD - Sashen Canjin Yanayi na Ma'aikatar Ruwa da Muhalli (Uganda)
- NAMA - Ayyukan Rage Dace Na Ƙasa
- NAPA - Shirye-shiryen Daidaitawa na Kasa na Ayyuka
- NAZCA - Yankin Yan wasan kwaikwayo na Jiha don Ayyukan Yanayi
- NC - Sadarwa ta kasa (a karkashin yarjejeniyar Paris ) [17]
- NDC - Gudunmawar Ƙirarriya ta Ƙasa
- NECIA - Ƙimar Tasirin Tasirin Yanayi (Amurka) [18]
- N 2 O - Nitrous Oxide
- NRSP - Portal ƙaddamar da rahotanni na ƙasa [17]
- O3 - Ozone
- PATPA - Haɗin gwiwa kan Bayyanawa a cikin Yarjejeniyar Paris
- P-CAN - Cibiyoyin Ayyukan Yanayi na Yanayi, haɗin gwiwar Burtaniya tsakanin masu binciken jami'a da jama'a, masu zaman kansu da na uku a magance canjin yanayi, da nufin hanzarta da ci gaba da sauyawa zuwa ƙananan carbon, al'umma mai tsayayya da yanayi ta hanyar kirkirar kwamitocin yanayi na gida.[19]
- PCD - Petersberg Tattaunawar Yanayi
- PCD X - Petersberg Tattaunawar Yanayi 10 (13-14 Mayu 2019)[20]
- PCD XI - Petersberg Tattaunawar Yanayi (27-28 Afrilu 2020)
- PFC - Perfluorocarbon
- PIK - Cibiyar Nazarin Tasirin Yanayi ta Potsdam (Jamusanci: )
- SAR - Rahoton Kima na Biyu na IPCC (1995)
- SB [21]
- SB 56 - Taron Canjin Yanayi na Bonn, zama na 56 na ƙungiyoyin ƙungiyoyi, wanda aka gudanar a ranar 6 zuwa 16 [22] Yuni 2022
- SBI - Ƙungiyar Ƙwararru don Aiwatarwa
- SBI 46 - Taro na shida da shida na Ƙungiyar Ƙwararru don Aiwatar da (8-18 Mayu 2017)
- SBI 47 - Zaman Arba'in da Bakwai na Ƙungiyar Ƙwararru don Aiwatarwa (6-15 Nuwamba 2017)
- SBI 52 - Zama na hamsin da biyu na Ƙungiyar Ƙwararrun Ƙwararru don Aiwatarwa (an jinkirta zuwa 2021) [21]
- SBSTA - Ƙungiyar Ƙwararru don Shawarar Kimiyya da Fasaha
- SBTi - Ƙirƙirar Maƙasudin Ƙirar Kimiyya [lower-alpha 2]
- SCCF - Asusun Canjin Yanayi na Musamman
- SDA - Hannun Ƙarfafawa na Sashe
- SDGs - Manufofin Ci gaba Mai Dorewa
- SECR - Tsarin Rahoton Makamashi da Ingantaccen Carbon (Birtaniya)
- SF 6 - Sulfur hexafluoride
- SRCCL - Rahoton Musamman akan Canjin Yanayi da Ƙasar IPCC
- SRES - Rahoto na Musamman akan Yanayin Fitowa na IPCC
- SR15 - Rahoton Musamman na IPCC akan Dumamar Duniya na 1.5 °C
- SSP - Tafarkin Tattalin Arziki na Rarraba
- TACC - Hanyar yanki don Canjin Yanayi
- TAR - Rahoton Kima na Uku na IPCC (2001)
- TCCC - Taron Canjin Yanayi na Tarawa
- TCFD - Rundunar Task Force akan Bayyanar Kuɗi masu alaƙa da yanayi [24]
- tCO2 - Tonnes na carbon dioxide daidai
- TD - Tattaunawar Talanoa
- TFI - Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories [25]
- UKCIP - Ƙungiyoyin ladabtarwa da yawa waɗanda aka fi sani da Shirin Tasirin Yanayi na Burtaniya, wanda ke tushen Cibiyar Canjin Muhalli a Jami'ar Oxford
- UKCP - Hasashen Yanayi na Burtaniya [26]
- UKCP09 - Hasashen Yanayi na Burtaniya 2009
- UKCP18 - Hasashen Yanayi na Burtaniya 2018 [27]
- UKHACC - Ƙungiyar Lafiya ta Burtaniya akan Canjin Yanayi
- UN CC: Koyi - Haɗin gwiwar Koyo Canjin Canjin Yanayi na Majalisar Dinkin Duniya
- UNEP - Shirin Muhalli na Majalisar Dinkin Duniya
- UNFCCC - Yarjejeniyar Tsarin Majalisar Dinkin Duniya kan Sauyin yanayi
- USCAP - Haɗin gwiwar Ayyukan Yanayi na Amurka
- WCI - Ƙaddamar da Yanayin Yamma
- WCRP - Shirin Binciken Yanayi na Duniya
- WGI - Rukunin Aiki na I na IPCC, wanda ke kimanta kimiyyar jiki na canjin yanayi
- WGII - Rukunin Aiki na II na IPCC, wanda ke kimanta raunin tsarin zamantakewa da tattalin arziki da na yanayi ga canjin yanayi.
- WGIII - Rukunin Aiki na III na IPCC, wanda "ya mayar da hankali kan rage sauyin yanayi, tantance hanyoyin da za a rage fitar da iskar gas, da kuma kawar da iskar gas daga sararin samaniya".
- WIM - Tsarin Warsaw na Duniya don Asara da Lalacewa mai alaƙa da Tasirin Canjin Yanayi [28]
- WMO - Hukumar Kula da Yanayi ta Duniya
- WRI - Cibiyar Albarkatun Duniya
- 4CMR - Tsohuwar Cibiyar Cambridge don Binciken Rage Canjin Yanayi Archived 2021-11-02 at the Wayback Machine
Abin lura
gyara sashe- ↑ Under the 2008 Climate Change Act the UK Government must publish a UK-wide Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) every five years.[3]
- ↑ A target is "science-based" if it is in line with the scale of reductions needed to keep the global temperature increase below 2°C above pre-industrial temperatures.[23]
gyara sashe- ↑ Climate Dictionary, Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement Archived 2023-03-20 at the Wayback Machine
- ↑ IPCC, AR5 Synthesis Report: Climate Change 2014
- ↑ Climate Change Committee (2017), Introduction to the CCRA, accessed 11 November 2022
- ↑ Time Out Dubai, COP 28 climate change event to take place at Expo City Dubai, published 23 June 2022, accessed 29 October 2022
- ↑ The Australia Institute, COP29 in Australia, published 6 May 2022, accessed 29 October 2022
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021, Focus of Energy Transition Council (ETC), published 4 November 2021, accessed 29 October 2022
- ↑ Reuters, Brazil says UN confirmed Amazonian city of Belem as COP30 host, published 26 May 2023, accessed 8 August 2023
- ↑ Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (France), Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems, accessed 9 August 2020
- ↑ University of East Anglia, High-resolution gridded datasets (and derived products), accessed 20 May 2020
- ↑ European Commission, Covenant of Mayors, EU Science Hub, published 8 July 2019, accessed 10 October 2020
- ↑ Bundesumweltministerium, Internationales Förderprogramm für NGOs: IKI Medium Grants startet vierten Ideenwettbewerb für Projekte in Entwicklungsländern, published 6 April 2023, accessed 10 August 2023
- ↑ United Nations, International Climate Initiative, published 10 March 2021, accessed 10 August 2023
- ↑ Klima- og miljødepartementet
- ↑ Pangestu, M., Insight: New development pathway for Indonesia, Jakarta Post, 24 September 2018, accessed 23 July 2020
- ↑ United Nations, Least Developed Countries Fund, LDC Portal, accessed 22 July 2020
- ↑ UNDP (2011), Low Emission Capacity Building Programme
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, National Communication submissions from Non-Annex I Parties, accessed 8 November 2020
- ↑ Union of Concerned Scientists, Confronting Climate Change in the U.S. Northeast: Executive Summary
- ↑ Queen's University Belfast, Queen's Academic joins £3.5M Research Network to support UK transition to a low-carbon economy, published 1 February 2019, accessed 11 May 2020
- ↑ Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit, Petersberg Climate Dialogue X: Agenda Archived 2019-05-13 at the Wayback Machine
- ↑ 21.0 21.1 United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, Information regarding SB 52, issued 22 June 2020, accessed 20 July 2020
- ↑ About the Bonn Climate Change Conference, accessed 10 June 2022
- ↑ Rickard, G., What exactly is a science-based target?, Carbon Trust, published 17 September 2019, accessed 4 August 2021
- ↑ Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
- ↑ IPCC, Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, accessed 16 May 2020
- ↑ Met Office, UK Climate Projections (UKCP)
- ↑ Met Office, About UKCP18, accessed 29 May 2020
- ↑ United Nations, Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts (WIM), accessed 21 November 2022