Gidan kayan tarihi na Nalut Dinosaur

Gidan kayan tarihi na Nalut Dinosaur gidan kayan gargajiya ne na ilimin burbushin halittu da ke Nalut, Libya.[1] Burbushin, wanda ya kasance tun daga zamanin Cretaceous, [1] [2] an gano su ta hanyar balaguron haɗin gwiwa na masana ilimin ƙasa na Libya da masana burbushin halittu na Amurka. [1][3] An ajiye tarin a cikin wani reshe na ginin Red Crescent a Nalut.[1]

Duba kuma

gyara sashe
  • Jerin gidajen tarihi a Libya


gyara sashe
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 "Nalut Dinosaur Museum". Temehu Tourism Services.Empty citation (help)
  2. Smith, Joshua B.; Lamanna, Matthew C.; Askar, Achmed S.; Bergig, Khalid A.; Tshakreen, Sefau O.; Abugares, Miloud M.; Rasmussen, D. Tab (2010). "A LARGE ABELISAUROID THEROPOD DINOSAUR FROM THE EARLY CRETACEOUS OF LIBYA" (PDF). Journal of Paleontology . The Paleontological Society. 84 (5): 927–934. doi :10.1666/09-152.1 . Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-03-06. "Thus, although Cretaceous terrestrial sediments are common in Libya, dinosaurs from the nation remain virtually unknown."Empty citation (help)
  3. Fitzpatrick, Tony (December 7, 2005). "WUSTL researchers make discoveries in first collaboration with Libyan scientists: Goldmine of fossils found" . Washington University in St. Louis.