Lint errors: Table tag that should be deleted

Page title Table tag that should be deleted Through a template?
User:YourEyesOnly (edit | tarihi) table
User:Beria (edit | tarihi) table Output not from a single template
Wikipedia:Shafin gwaji (edit | tarihi) table
User:Esobune (edit | tarihi) table Output not from a single template
Samfuri:Yan uwan Wikipedia (edit | tarihi) table
Samfuri:Yan uwan Wikipedia (edit | tarihi) table
Samfuri:Yan uwan Wikipedia (edit | tarihi) table
User:EmausBot (edit | tarihi) table Output not from a single template
Babban shafi (view source | tarihi) table
Babban shafi (view source | tarihi) table Samfuri:Yan uwan Wikipedia
Wikipedia:Shafin gwaji (edit | tarihi) table Samfuri:Yan uwan Wikipedia
Tawagar Kwallon kafar Afirka ta Kudu (edit | tarihi) table Output not from a single template
Yaren Leco (edit | tarihi) table
Dabba (edit | tarihi) table