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Anan kasa an nuna asalin bayanin shi
BayaniMember of the CJTF Maiduguri December 2013.jpg
English: A member of the Civilian JTF on watch, Maiduguri, Nigeria, December 2013
Hausa: Rundunar Sojojin Najeriya da na Mayaƙan Sama da na 'Yansanda sun kwashe 'yan shekaru suna aikin haɗin gwuiwa ko Joint Task Force a taƙaice domin yaƙar 'yan tsageran Boko Haram. Ƙungiyoyin 'Yan Banga da aka sani da suna The Civilian JTF a taƙaice sun ce sojoji kawai ba zasu ci ƙungiyar Boko Haram ba Bayan mummunan harin da aka kai kan sansanonin sojoji ranar 2 ga watan Disamba a Maiduguri, fararen hula sun ƙara ƙaimi wurin yaƙar 'yan Boko Haram ba tare da damuwa da rayukansu ba. Fararen Hulan JTF su ne kan gaban shirin tsaro da yaƙar kungiyar Boko Haram.
This media is in the public domain in the United States because it solely consists of material created and provided by Voice of America, the official external broadcasting service of the federal government of the United States.
Voice of America republishes reporting from the Associated Press, Agence France-Presse and others. Always check the credit; such content is not in the public domain. Occasionally, a wire photo will be originally published with Voice of America watermarks and later corrected updated with the correct attribution. Use caution when uploading recently-published images or when a specific Voice of America photographer is not identified.